100% Valid! Flydumps Cisco 350-026 exam questions and answers are tested and approved by Microsoft experts. Furthermore, we are constantly updating our Cisco https://www.pass4itsure.com/350-026.html exam dumps, 100% guarantee in quality and reliability.
You work as a network engineer at Certkiller .com. Study the topology exhibit carefully. If Switch Certkiller
C1 is the root of the spanning tree for all VLANs in the network, what ports will be blocking on Switch
Certkiller C1?
A. 1/1 only
B. 1/2 only
C. Both 1/1, and 1/2
D. Not enough information
Correct Answer: D QUESTION 112
To eliminate the need for adjacent routers on broadcast networks to form n(n-1)/2 adjacencies, IS-IS defines a pseudonode or Designated Intermediate System, DIS. All router on the broadcast medium form an adjacency with the DIS. The Backup DIS is called:
A. Redundant DIS
C. There is no concept of a backup DIS in IS-IS
D. Designated Redundant System
Correct Answer: C
In Frame Relay, the FECN bit is set by:
A. The Frame Relay network, to inform the DTE receiving the frame that congestion was experienced in the path from source to destination
B. The Frame Relay network, in frames traveling in the opposite direction from those frames that encountered congestion
C. The receiving DTE, to inform the Frame Relay network that it is overloaded and that the switch should throttle back
D. The sending DTE, to inform the Frame Relay network that it is overloaded and that the switch should throttle back
E. Any device that uses an extended DLCI address
Correct Answer: A
Within OSPF, what functionality best defines the use of a ‘stub’ area?
A. It appears only on remote areas to provide connectivity to the OSPF backbone.
B. It is used to inject the default route for OSPF.
C. It uses the no-summary keyword to explicitly block external routes, defines the non-transit area, and uses the default route to reach external networks.
D. It is a non-transit area that does not allow flooding of external networks and uses the default route to reach external networks.
Correct Answer: D
The website www. Certkiller .com is having problems. The PC you are troubleshooting from does not have a web browser or sniffer software installed. Which method is the next best way to verify that the website will return the web page with content:
A. tracert www. Certkiller .com 80
B. ping www. Certkiller .com
C. telnet www. Certkiller .com 80 GET / HTTP/1.0
D. telnet www. Certkiller .com 80
E. telnet www. Certkiller .com 80 HEAD / HTTP/1.0
Correct Answer: C
What is a possible way to avoid assymetric traffic flow when using the CSM for server load balancing and the CSM’s server side VLAN has an IP address configured on the MSFC?
A. In the server farm use the client nat command with a nat pool.
B. Use policy based routing to force traffic through the CSM’s client side VLAN.
C. Use policy based routing to force traffic through the CSM’s server side VLAN.
D. Set the server’s default gateway to the CSM’s client side IP address.
Correct Answer: AC
You work as a network administrator at Certkiller .com. Study the exhibit carefully. Debug is enabled on
Router B, but no debug messages appear on the terminal. Other commands (show commands, etc.) seem
to be working. What are the probable causes for this? (multiple answer)
A. Router B is not turned on.
B. Debug information is being sent to A.
C. The “terminal monitor” command needs to be executed if this is a virtual terminal session.
D. Debug information is being sent to the buffer instead of to the console terminal.
E. Debug information is configured at low priority, and will be displayed at a time when the router is less congested.
Correct Answer: CD
BGP can implement a policy of ‘Route Dampening’ to control route instability. What statement about route dampening is NOT correct?
A. A numeric penalty is applied to a route each time it flaps.
B. The penalty is exponentially decayed according to parameters, such as half-life-time.
C. The history of unstable routes is forwarded back to the sender to control future updates.
D. The route is eventually suppressed based on a configurable ‘suppress limit’.
Correct Answer: C QUESTION 119
It is desired to have the CSM match on the following URLs: /index.html /Index.html abc/index.html abc/ Index.html What should be used?
A. map TESTMAP url match protocol http url */?ndex.html
B. map TESTMAP url match protocol http url */i*Index.html
C. map TESTMAP url match protocol http url *ndex.html
D. map TESTMAP urlmatch protocol http url “*/ndex.html
Correct Answer: A
What is the best definition of the use of “Area 0” in OSPF?
A. Area 0 is used for administrative reasons, and is restricted from user definition.
B. Area 0 is defined as the backbone, designed to be at the center of all routing updates, and controls the dissemination of updates between areas.
C. Area 0 is used to authenticate messages received from other routers in the same area.
D. Area 0 is used for forwarding all routing updates received within the same Autonomous System from directly connected areas only.
E. Area 0 allows for routing updates to be forwarded between different Autonomous Systems.
Correct Answer: B
The two label distribution protocols that provide support for MPLS traffic engineering are:
D. LPS and LDS
Correct Answer: C
You work as a network engineer at Certkiller .com. Study the topology exhibit carefully. What mechanism
should be employed to limit the “transmit rate” from Router Certkiller 6 to Router Certkiller 1?
A. Committed Access Rate
B. Traffic Shaping
C. Weighted Fair Queuing
D. Packet Classifcation w/ Weighted Fair Queuing
E. None of the Above
Correct Answer: B
If a Dialer Profile exists in the local configuration of a router, what is true?
A. A virtual-access password is configured automatically.
B. A virtual-access interface will inherit all configurations from the dialer profile.
C. AAA parameters cannot be applied to an interface.
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
You work as a network engineer at Certkiller .com. Study the exhibit carefully. In the shown diagram, for
the content switch module, the default gateway of the web servers should be:
A. server vlan ip address
B. server vlan alias ip address
C. Interface vlan 10 ip address
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: C
When implementing a CSS script, if you are required to close a TCP connection with a TCP FIN, what command should be used?
A. socket disconnect ${SOCKET}
B. socket disconnect ${SOCKET}fin
C. socket disconnect ${SOCKET}gracefull
D. socket disconnect ${SOCKET}tcpfin
E. socket disconnect tcpfin ${SOCKET}
Correct Answer: C
Free Cisco 350-026 practice questions for Cisco https://www.pass4itsure.com/350-026.html exam.These questions are aimed at giving you an idea of the type of questions you can expect on the actual exam.You will get an idea of the level of knowledge each topic goes into but because these are simple web pages you will not see the interactive and performance based questions – those are available in the Cisco 350-026.
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